Friday, September 14, 2007

How to Get Rid of Your Anger (The Glorify God Technique)

How To Get Rid Of Your Anger

(The Glorify God Technique)

This article will explain to you how to get rid of your anger concerning things of the past. The present or current events that make you angry are a little different, but my technique will work for both the past and present. My technique is called the Glorify God Technique or G.G.T. It works for me and I hope it helps you or someone you know, but it may not be for everyone. If it doesn't work for you, it could be because you have a very poor relationship with God so you may have to improve this. You can achieve this by attending church, reading spiritual books, singing and listening to gospel music, donating to a good cause, fellowship, giving thanks (saying grace) before meals, etc. And to paraphrase country legend Carl Perkins, you got to "get aboard the Hallelujah Special." Confessing to others things about Jesus such as Jesus is the the Son of God is also good. The G.G.T. is a way of applying Jesus into your life when you are angry or bitter about something. I predict it will even help tremendously those suffering from mental illness. In fact, anger, bitterness, holding grudges, depression, and unhappiness is a form of unbalanced behavior and infirmity. "The gift of happiness belongs to those who unwrap it." This quote itself really helped me when I read it.

Before I tell you how this simple Glorify God Technique works, I should tell you something about myself and a couple theories I believe in and the second theory is one I made up, but I'm sure there are others who believe in this theory also.

You've probably heard the expression "I can run and scream and shout in my house if I want to." This was me and I shouted in my house quite often sometimes and I worried that the neighbours would hear and I was even worse when I knew that the windows and doors where closed. I'd get angry at things that occurred in the past all the way back to grade one and about something before that age when a boy tried to hurt me. Later he set fire to someone by pouring gasoline on him/her when he/she was asleep. Since January or early February of 2007 I haven`t done this (shouting) since I learned how to apply Jesus in my life to wipe out the past. Current events that make me angry take some more effort, but should be applied immediately. Since I wiped out past anger I feel like a free and new creature and I can tackle any problem the future holds for me. In 1985 they diagnosed me as manic depressive. Then a few years later they changed their minds and said I was paranoid shizophrenic. They told me I had a permanent chemical imbalance in the brain and I would have to be on treatment for the rest of my life. I knew it wasn`t permanent and I knew my anger came from that man called Lucifer aka Satan aka Old Nick. The psychiatrist described me as unpredictable and I think he was trying to imply I was dangerous to society, but I knew I would never kill someone because I prayed about it to God to make sure I didn`t commit such an act. Before they put me on Zyprexa, I was calling my parents and shouting on the phone blaming them for all my problems and the mistakes they made with me. I guess you could say I was a pathetic loser. In 1985 they first put me on Lithium, however I changed to another drug when I discovered Lithium gave me fluid buildup in the brain. I could move my head back and forth and feel the water sloshing around in my skull. This is water on the brain or cerebral edema which Nicolette Larson (friend of Linda Ronstadt and Neil Young and wife of drummer Russell Kunkel) in 1997 died from, so people please be aware of this side effect. I've never been more stable in my life and I believe and will discontinue my medication soon to see if I can live without any serious psychotic episodes. I am filled with faith and confidence and fidelity about my new start aimed at the future. I was really bad and if the G.G.T. works for me, it should work for you. I flipped out a few times in the past and if anyone who knows me witnessed that I apologize for that. I was almost as bad as Cher when she was poor and developed SMB (smart mouth b_t_h), if you tangled with her, she cut you to ribbons. And I know she took that frying pan that Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee were looking for, because I know Cher garners frying pans and she has a stash of them somewhere. She's been collecting them ever since Sonny said, "Why did you buy two?" I love to tease Cher. By the way, after the nuclear holocaust there will be nothing left but Cher and the cockroaches.

There is a theological theory which says "all good thoughts come from God and all bad thoughts come from Satan." Even if you don't believe in God and/or Satan, you must acknowledge that there is evil in the world. Even if you believe in another religion different from Christianity, you can tailor the G.G.T. to fit your religion and see if it works. Most of the time we can determine what is a good thought and what is bad. A Course In Miracles, that Marianne Williamson teaches, says that the only thing that we own is our power of decision. If our power of decision is the only thing we own, then no wonder we can't control things sometimes, but we can decide to apply Jesus in almost every situation where there is some time to apply it.

For the second theory, I have to first write about a woman named Susan Atkins and her book called "Child of Satan, Child of God," which came out about 1973. If you don't know who Susan is, she was one of the Charles Manson family that committed the murders in California in 1969. She didn't kill anyone directly even when ordered to, but she did threaten people with a knife and slashed a man's legs when the fight broke out because she felt she had to fight at that moment, but she sure got herself in a lot of trouble for being there. What she did involving actress Sharon Tate was awful, but we can't expect smaller women to make sound decisions when they are surrounded by larger dangerous men, who have guns and knives. I mean, they could of killed Susan also if she didn't help Tex. Susan is the one who came forward with the information about the murders. In her book Susan talks about a drug she took for the first time (I can't recall the name of the drug but I think it was pill form). Later she is lying on the bed suffering from the effects of this drug for about an hour. At one point during this hour, she sees good and evil come right out of her body and they were fighting on top of her. She didn't describe what good and evil looked like, but I assume it was an angel and a demon. I don't believe it was some kind of hallucination. Now we can learn things from people like Susan Atkins and we can learn things from people like me. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to come up with a good idea.

This is my second theory: There is at least one angel and one demon (one of Satan's subordinate assistants) in the spiritual realm that fight one another concerning the thoughts of each person. The angel is trying to stop the demon from putting bad thoughts into your mind and the demon is trying to stop the angel from putting good thoughts into your mind. This may be a constant battle between each angel and demon, but there is something we can do to help the angel and this is by applying the G.G.T. The G.G.T. will give power to the angel so it can overcome the demon and prevent bad thoughts from occurring or erupting in your mind. It may be so effective that it may cause the demon to flee from your body, mind, and soul and never bother you again since it knows that you now have the power to get rid of anger. This seems to be my case. And they say anger is the devil's favorite tool and a lot of people can't remember what they did when they were very angry. St Padre Pio said "The field of battle between God and Satan is the human soul. It is in the soul that the battle rages every moment of life." He may be right.

Let me tell you how I first heard of glorifying God. I heard somebody talk or preach about false prophets one time and he/she said they seem gentle and mild on the outside but inside they are like ravenous wolves (wolves in sheeps clothing) and one way you tell if a person is a false prophet (wolf) is to ask them if they can say anything to glorify God. If they can't this usually means they are a wolf or someone who is afraid of God. These wolves have a purpose from Satan to just kill, steal, and destroy and you probably know a few. False prophets come in many forms, doctors, lawyers, police and even homeless street people trying to get you to do something wrong. Getting married by a false prophet means your marriage won't last and wasn't sacred. One spouse will start cheating on the other and will someday get caught. This is why there is so much divorce in America, because they are getting married by false prophets in the form of a church minister. You can tell if they are true or false by what they say and what they don't say at the ceremony. If the minister or preacher doesn't say anything about Jesus and love and vows and doesn't say a prayer to keep the couple together and then refers to the big celebration to come (the dance that night and the drinking that will go on) and he seems to be gloating while he is talking, it is not because he is getting paid for such easy work, he is gloating because he knows the marriage will someday result in divorce. This is a false prophet and a vicious wolf who wants to destroy the marriage. If you witness this, stop the wedding and get another preacher to say the proper things next time or just get married again and do it right this time. Wolves are afraid to glorify God because they know that if they do it could give power to an angel to appear and point to the wolf and say "there is a dragon of the night!" We don't need to destroy these people because they were hurting bad or wanted something bad when they gave their soul to the devil for fame or fortune or health, whatever, we need to find a way to help them. Therefore glorifying God gives power and strength to the angels around us so that they can help us. Two examples of glorifying God are to say "Jesus Christ is the Son of God" or "Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour."

At the bottom of this article you will find a list of things to say to Glorify God. You can make some more of your own I'm sure. If you don't like some of mine, you don't have to say them. Keep this list handy or memorize some or all of them. Next time you get angry, you must first remember that there is something you can do to stop your anger and/or shouting before you harm yourself or become violent to others. Put an elastic band on your finger to remind you at first why it is there. When you remember, start saying things to glorify God such as "Jesus Christ is the Great Stiller of Storms." Say it three times and move on to another. Or you can just read the glorifications silently if there are people around. You've probably heard of affirmations, well now we have glorifications also. First when you start glorifying God you are focussing on doing something else and this takes your mind off your problem and it may take the demon out of your soul which is trying to put bad thoughts in your mind such as what you can do to get revenge. Don't get revenge, this may just create more bad karma for you through the law of return. Satan and his minions probably collect this bad karma and use it against us somehow. The G.G.T. can stall and stamp out Satan and all his fallen angels. When you start glorifying God to cancel out your anger, you must do it sincerely and fervently and believe it will work. Don't give up, try it for about a month to see if it helps. Everybody is different and each demon may have different amounts of its own power to overcome. I found that the Glorify God Technique helped me the very first day, but I found the devil would try to creep back in when I was weak especially if I didn't get enough sleep the night before, but now I feel like the devil is gone for good and there is nothing that can bother me anymore. If a current event makes you angry, you must remember what to do to calm down and stabilize yourself and that is the G.G.T. Now the G.G.T. has worked a miracle in my life and it has caused me to communicate it to you so it has an effect on you. It will be duplicatable in your life if you believe that it will work and you receive this technique. Don't be skeptical when you first try but keep an open mind and try to believe. Be willing to receive it. I tell people to be a trier, not a denier, when it comes to God. Oh - also if you know Amy Grant's song called "Emmanuel" make sure you sing this to glorify God where she sings "Wonderful Counsellor, Lord of Life, Lord of All, He's the Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Holy One, Emmanuel." A good time to glorify God is when you are travelling especially walking or biking. Please be grateful that you received the G.G.T. here before you first try it and remember that energy flows where your attention goes, so set your thermostat and focus when you glorify God. Never again will you see the mercury rising. I'm talking about your temper (or temperature) here. All your anger for the past will disappear and you will be new person in Christ Jesus. Amen! Read the Psalms, it has a lot of scripture concerning protection from enemies. Selah (think about it).

I hope many people adopt the G.G.T. and fight with me to stop this fallen angel named Lucifer from turning people against one another. We'll never get rid of the alligator in the water by ignoring it. We need to teach this method to our children as early as grade one, because it is terrible to hear angry children swaring as they walk down the street in front of your home nowadays. You've heard people say cancer is caused by stress, well a chemical imbalance in the brain can be caused by stress also. Stress weakens the immune system and one day without proper nutrition or sleep can cause a chemical imbalance to begin to form, but I believe Satan knows when to attack a person the most and cause a disturbance. So things like bullying and getting picked on must be stopped, because this is stress. Two things that really help keep you stable is good nutrition and restful sleep, so I suggest you find some good supplements to take that will make you feel good and give you energy. There are some links at the bottom of this article that you can copy and paste and some names to enter into a search engine. These have good products. I started taking coral calcium and I don't suffer as much when I am tired or can't sleep at night. Remember that with God all things are possible and Debbie Gibson in 1990 also sung "Anything is possible." We should listen to her and we almost lost her to that stalker who decided to kill that actress instead with a gun. As you glorify God, you can direct the power you form to whatever project or outcome you desire so if for example a relative is bedridden you can glorify God for the purpose of healing the sick person.

I believe the Glorify God Technique will prove many things such as whether Christianity is the true religion or not and I hope it will be a cure or partial-cure for mental illness. I saw on television a man that witnessed a rape occurring in his family that he walked in on and it broke up the whole family and he is now homeless because it is like a constant flash in his mind. Perhaps the G.G.T. can help people like him, because he is desperate for succor and God wants to help these people. We just have to figure out and know how make "Jesus is the answer for the world today" one of our favorite songs. Remember Jesus was born in a stable and He wants to make you stable and firm like a rock for the Lord concerning your emotions and He doesn't want you to be one of the one in four people who are unbalanced in this world, because that is a lot of people. Let's all do something about it and praise, worship, exalt, and glorify God! Forward this link to all you think would be interested: Please post positive comments or testimonies only. Thanks. September 14th, 2007 MLH


Jesus Christ is the Son of God
Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ, the Great Stiller of Storms
Jesus Christ, the Fisher of men
Jesus Christ, Author of Truth
Jesus Christ, Author and Finisher of our faith
Jesus Christ, Wonderful Counsellor
Jesus Christ, Lord of Life, Lord of All
Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace
Jesus Christ, Mighty God, Holy One
Jesus Christ, Emmanuel
Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Light (or Life)
Jesus Christ, my Guide, my Leader
Jesus Christ, baptized by John
Jesus Christ, crucified by Pontius Pilate
Jesus Christ, resurrected on the third day
Jesus Christ, born of the Holy Virgin, Mary, Mother of God
Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah
Jesus Christ, the desire of nations
Jesus Christ, my strength, my shield
Jesus Christ, my heart's desire
Jesus Christ, Saviour of mankind
Jesus Christ, my hope and my desire
Jesus Christ, caster of demons
Jesus Christ, my rock and my fortress
Jesus Christ, my foundation and chief cornerstone
Jesus Christ, redeemer of souls
Jesus Christ, our reconciliation
Jesus Christ, bearer of burdens
Jesus Christ, our storage receptacle of sin
Jesus Christ, who raised Lazarus from the dead
Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God
Jesus Christ, my hope, my crown, my joy, and my honor
Jesus Christ, my hope, my trust, and my comfort
Jesus Christ, my most faithful helper in every need
Jesus Christ, our salvation and our redemption
Jesus Christ, Comforter of all who live in this world
Jesus Christ, the eternal rest of the saints in Heaven
Jesus Christ, my hope, my strength, my honor and glory
Jesus Christ, my salvation and my song
Jesus Christ, feeder of the multiples
Jesus Christ, master of turning water into wine
Jesus Christ, healer of the blind
Jesus Christ, master of walking on water
Jesus Christ, the Lamp that shines the Light
Jesus Christ, the Holy of Holies
Jesus Christ, a very present help in time of trouble
Jesus Christ, a refuge for my soul
Jesus Christ, born in a stable, all forlorn
Jesus Christ of Nazareth, born in Bethlehem
God, the Maker of the Law
God, the Giver of Grace
God, the Giver of life to all creations
God, the Father of Mercy, do I put my trust

January 12, 2008 Update
I said above that it was important to have a good relationship with God or Christ. This is because a good relationship gives more power to the angel of your presence to fight and hold back the demon it is struggling with and protect you. God wants faith and increase, this is shown in the parable of talents in Matthew 25 and the unprofitable servant in verse 30. Increase comes from following Jesus. You can increase many different things. Increase requires action and always has a purpose. The Glorify God Technique is one way to increase your faith, relationship, and stability like a rock in Jesus because you are actively doing something (glorifying). God blesses you so you will be a blessing to others. Increase will flow into you if you let it flow out to help others. The Dead Sea has water that flows into it but not out. The Sea of Galilee has water that flows in and out, but has fish that are alive in it (a blessing to the people who needed food). My cup runneth over - from Psalms - this means your blessings spill over the edges onto the other people and they get blessed as well. Keep saying, "I'm rising to the top!"
Why did I discover the G.G.T.? Because I prayed diligently about it to find a solution for my anger, bitterness, and troubled mind. And I confess I'm guilty of punching holes in the wall and the closet door. There are a lot of young men that are like I was right now. I've cut down on my medication by a half and gone for 30 days without any psychotic episodes regarding past events, but I must say current events that make me angry are a little tougher to overcome because they are so strong because they are occurring in the now. However I started just this month to say my 54 Glorifications every morning to make sure bad thoughts for past events stay away. I found that I've forgiven everyone regarding the past, so the G.G.T. works for me even if it doesn't work for anyone else, it still works and this is my testimony. You can send your comments and questions to (that's M_L_Harris) if you wish or click on the words comments below. I need testimonies from others.
Do the G.G.T. whenever you are troubled. Do not worry or be anxious about anything regarding the future, but take everything to God in prayer and supplication and have faith that you gave it all to the hands of God. He will look after the matter, this is why we must develop our faith and practice it. Glorifying God gives strength to your inner angel(s) to fight your inner demon(s) and keep them from putting bad thoughts in your mind which can make you angry or violent. Remember that all good thoughts come from God and all bad thoughts come from Satan and this battle of thoughts occurs in our souls before they manifest into our minds where we must decide what to do about a situation. This is our power of decision and sometimes we need intercession from others to stop us from doing the wrong thing. Sometimes we don't have anyone to intercede so we must go to Jesus because He is always available if you just know how to apply Him in your life and one way is to apply the G.G.T. when you are troubled. That is why they say Jesus is a very present help in time of trouble. It is a good idea to kind of meditate while glorifying God because you are focussing on God rather than your problem which shifts your brain which is focussed on what is troubling you onto God, what could be a better thing to focus on?
7 More Glorifications
Jesus Christ, the Light of the World
Jesus Christ, God's One Revelation of Himself
Jesus Christ, the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley
Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever
Jesus Christ, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah
Lord Jesus, thou compassionate, prayer answering, Son of the Living God
God, a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy
Saying or thinking glorifications with your mouth and mind shows God that you want Him to create in you a clean heart. "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer."
Why did God take a rib from Adam to make a woman?
Because R.I.B. is an acronym that stands for "Really Improved Body."
What is another name for blowing kisses?
Air Care.,,,,, Herbalife, Nutrition For Life, Sunrider, Melaleuca, etc. and for a good opportunity check out Also if you like meditation, check out, it really helps me feel better. Copyright 2007 by M.L.Harris Contact me by leaving your e-mail address on post comments and I will do my best to get back to you. I wish to be known as M.L.Harris in my new beginning for Jesus.

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